MM Tickets will be closed from 6 July until 12 August, but during this period tickets and subscriptions can still be booked online.
La Monnaie wishes you a pleasant summer! 

La Monnaie / De Munt LA MONNAIE / DE MUNT
© Fabien Teigné
Cassandra Festival

A literary afternoon


Her prophecies may not be heard, but her story has been read avidly for more than two millennia. Cassandra found her way into the collective consciousness through the words of the greatest writers of all. Seneca, Homer, Aeschylus, William Shakespeare, Friedrich Schiller, Christa Wolf and many more have all tackled this essential myth. In doing so, they have each shed light in their own way on the gift and curse of the Trojan seer. Together they form a rich source of interpretations, styles and quotations which helped to inspire the libretto of the opera Cassandra.

During this literary afternoon, Isabelle Dumont and Annelies Beck will invite representatives of the main literary houses in Brussels to select their favourite passage from the libretto and echo these coups de cœur with poetry, novel fragments or theatre texts from the past or present. Organized in collaboration with Muntpunt, Passaporta, the bookshop Tropismes and the Bibliothèque des Riches Claires, this event will be enhanced by musical accompaniment.

Attendance is free, but tickets must be reserved in advance.

Dates & tickets



14:00 › 15:30


Grand Foyer


Free, upon reservation


Pianist: Andres Soler Castaño



This event is part of the Cassandra Festival

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