The Cassandra Choir is la Monnaie's committed amateur choir directed by Laurence Renson.
Inspired by the values defended on stage at La Monnaie, it is devoted to the great challenges of our time: human rights, social cohesion and a sustainable environment. Today, the group comprises eighty singers aged between 20 and 75, who all come from diverse backgrounds.
The choir was created in September 2022 by the Audiences Team of La Monnaie in the context of Bernard Foccroulle's opera Cassandra. In the run-up to this creation, it lent its voice to the climate cause during marches and conferences on this theme. Driven by a sincere commitment and filled with infectious energy, these performances managed to reach and move a wide audience.
Following these first experiences, the Cassandra Choir is determined to take its commitment further and raise its voice loud and clear during opera productions with other topical themes, like The Time of Our Singing this season.
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Chorus master: Laurence Renson
Piano: Andres Soler Castaño
Coordinator: Marie-Caroline Lefin
More information: m-c.lefin@lamonnaie.be