MM Tickets will be closed from 6 July until 12 August, but during this period tickets and subscriptions can still be booked online.
La Monnaie wishes you a pleasant summer! 

La Monnaie / De Munt LA MONNAIE / DE MUNT

Kick-off Cassandra Choir

© Hugo Segers

On Saturday 3 September, 300 people from various backgrounds responded enthusiastically to La Monnaie's call to form an amateur choir, which will perform alongside the creation of Bernard Foccroulle's first opera, Cassandra, in September 2023.

The launch of this extraordinary project took place in the best of moods over a friendly drink, followed by a guided tour and a first singing workshop led by Laurence Renson.

On 3 October, a hundred amateur choristers will meet for the first rehearsal and form the final choir, united by the same passion for singing and the desire to raise public awareness of the environmental cause. For if the Cassandra of the myth and the Sandra of the opera are struggling to be heard, the Cassandra Choir will soon resound in all its strength.